
Bhulekh uk
Bhulekh uk

The citizen can check Uttarakhand ROR or land records very quickly by the below process. The National land records modernization program has started the online land record system.

  • The citizens can check their land records at any time and anywhere with the help of an internet connection.
  • It helps to save the time of both governments as well as citizens.
  • Give the advantages of a transparent Land record management system, which reduces the crime rate, such as fraud, possession, etc.
  • The people can check the records of their Land by the district name, Khasra number, application name, etc.
  • There are many advantages to this portal, and some of them are:
  • It is also helpful in checking the government right or the public right on the Land.
  • The applicants can keep personal records of their property.
  • It helps in the division or sale of the Land.
  • One can apply for the loans against the property with the help of Bhulekh Uttarakhand land records.
  • You can verify the land ownership as well as Land title through Khatauni.
  • Below are the importance of Land record Bulekh Uttrakhand :

    bhulekh uk

    Importance of Land records Bhulekh UttarakhandĪs you all know that the lands are the most valuable property for every individual, so the individual needs to maintain the land records. Department of revenue and board of revenue works as the nodal agency of this portal. Now the work becomes easy as well as effortless because of the Bhulekh Uttarakhand portal. If the candidate needs to obtain the count number of their Land, the need to go to visit the tahsildar office in the hilly areas of the Uttarakhand, it was a tough task for the citizens.

    bhulekh uk

    The citizen needs to meet government officers for their every Land related task. It was so hectic, as well as time-consuming work for both citizens and concerned government departments. Earlier the government keeps all the records of the Land manually. Bhulekh Uttarakhand water includes all the details and descriptions of the Land, such as the area of the Land, specification, information related to the owner, mutation, sale, etc. The literal meaning of the word Bullock is keeping a record of the land details. Importance of Land records Bhulekh Uttarakhand.

    Bhulekh uk